




Viohalco companies’ people are the driving force behind their development and growth. The companies provide equal opportunities with respect to diversity and a rewarding work environment, with a strong focus on people development and an uncompromising dedication to occupational health and safety. In recognition of the importance of people to the corporate success of each company, all subsidiaries strive to provide significant prospects for both personal and professional development. Viohalco companies have in place programmes for continuing education and training of people and promote team building, internal meritocracy and managerial excellence. 


Occupational health and safety

Viohalco companies are committed to provide their employees a safe working environment and this is provided through investments in improving existing safety infrastructure (machine guarding, LOTO), increasing risk awareness and Behavior Based Safety through training programmes and establishing solid procedures and management systems. 
Viohalco companies in an effort to improve risk awareness among employees, develop detailed risk assessments by conducting a systematic hazard identification associated risks evaluation, subsequently facilitating the implementation of reasonable control measures. Emphasis is also given in performing accurate incidents analysis to ensure there is a solid framework in place for a systematic approach to incident reporting, management, and investigation, thereby enabling effective corrective and preventive actions to be set.


Labour and human rights issues

Viohalco companies recognize the contribution of their people in their successful business performance and future growth. In line with this approach, the companies are committed to implementing responsible working practices. 
All Viohalco companies seek to provide their employees a workplace of equal opportunities by investing materially and systematically, in their training and development. Steadily oriented to human values, the companies strive to implement responsible management practices regarding to human resources. 

Viohalco companies have established an Employee Code of Conduct that is based on the principles of the Labour and Human Rights and Business Ethics and Anti-corruption Policies adopted by the subsidiaries.


Responsible sourcing

Viohalco companies are committed to operate responsibly in all their business activities while at the same time expecting the same responsibility from its business partners. Due to the relative position of Viohalco subsidiaries in the value chain, the subsidiaries rely heavily on primary metal producers often located outside the EU. It is therefore of utmost importance that the business partners and suppliers of raw materials practice sound management in all ESG matters. 

Viohalco subsidiaries have established an initiative to evaluate all Tier 1 suppliers of raw materials on sustainability matters by a world class company in this field, EcoVadis. The purpose of this initiative is to increase transparency in the supply chain and to identify risks that may appear in the future. In addition, responsible sourcing is vital to the delivery of products that carry the minimum environmental and social impact. Viohalco and its subsidiaries are convinced that only through responsible sourcing the final products delivered to customers can help them achieve their own sustainability goals.