

Activities and companies



Viohalco’s cables segment uses state-of-the-art technologies to provide cabling solutions for the international market. The cables segment of Viohalco comprises three companies: Hellenic Cables S.A., Hellenic Cables Industry (‘Hellenic Cables’) and its subsidiary Fulgor S.A., which operate in Greece; and Icme Ecab S.A., which operates in Romania (hereafter collectively referred to as ‘Hellenic Cables companies’). Hellenic Cables companies  are member of Cenergy Holdings S.A., a Belgian holding company that focuses on long-term value creation by investing in leading industrial companies, focusing on the growing global demand of energy transfer, renewables and data transmission.

Hellenic Cables companies are approved suppliers to some of the largest international electricity network operators and have one of the biggest and most advanced submarine cable plants in the world, located in Corinth, Greece. They offer a variety of products including underground and submarine power cables (from low to high and extra high voltage), telecommunications cables, enameled wires, copper wires and compounds.

Hellenic Cables S.A. is active in the manufacturing of power and telecommunications cables, and plastic and rubber compounds. Over the past decade, the Hellenic Cables companies, together, have constituted the largest producer of cables in Greece and Southeastern Europe. They have a strong international focus, exporting to more than 50 countries worldwide. Its production base comprises five plants in Greece, Romania and Bulgaria which manufacture a wide range of products from high voltage submarine cables to extra high voltage power cables. 



Key companies

Cenergy Holdings is a Belgium-based holding company which invests in industrial companies at the forefront of high growth sectors, such as energy transfer, renewables and data transmission. Cenergy Holdings is listed on the Euronext Brussels Exchange and the Athens Stock Exchange (CENER). 
Cenergy Holdings’ portfolio comprises two business segments: 
  • Hellenic Cables, its subsidiaries and Icme Ecab constitute the Hellenic Cables companies, which combined, make up one of the largest cable producers in Europe. Hellenic Cables companies manufacture mainly power, telecommunication and submarine cables.
  • Corinth Pipeworks, is amongst the world leading manufacturers of steel pipes and hollow sections to the energy and construction industries.


Hellenic Cables is active in the manufacturing of telecommunication and low, medium, high and extra high voltage power cables, and plastic as well as rubber compounds, individually tailored to customers’ specifications. The production base of the company and its subsidiaries includes five plants in Greece and Bulgaria.
Icme Ecab has industrial facilities in Bucharest, Romania. The company has an extensive product portfolio which includes cables for indoor installations, energy, control, industrial and external applications, low and medium voltage, fire-retardant, fire-resistant and halogen-free cables, mine cables, marine and special-requirement cables, telecommunication cables, signalling, remote control and data transmission cables, copper and aluminium conductors, as well as plastic and rubber compounds. A well-equipped research and development unit operates in the plant and is responsible for the on-going improvement of product quality.


Lesco Ltd. is a wooden reels and pallets plant in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria.